
Rex Delta – Not Your Average Wonder 9 [VIDEO REVIEW]

TheFireArmsGuy — The Rex Delta is not your average “Wonder 9mm.” I’ve been wantin g to check this out for a while and in person, it’s impressive. It has many nice features but the trigger is excellent. The Rex Delta is priced right with an MSRP of $479. I was impressed with the Rex Delta and will get one when they eventually get into the US.

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The Arex Rex Delta Striker-fired 9mm Pistol Revealed at SHOT Show 2019 [VIDEO REVIEW]

TFBTV — In this episode of TFBTV, James is at SHOT Show Industry Day at the range with the people from AREX and FIME Group to have a look at (and take the first shots with) the only copy of the brand new Arex Delta striker-fired polymer handgun.

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Tested: Arex ReX Zero 1TC Tactical Compact Pistol

American Rifleman — In making the new ReX Zero 1TC Tactical Compact, Arex trimmed the pistol down without lopping off the desirable features of the full-size version. As an optics-ready, milled aluminum framed 9 mm semi-automatic fully tricked out for competition or defensive applications, it’s hard to beat this pistol’s affordable price. It’s another model that has lived up to the high standards one can expect Arex products to meet. 

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